Chiropractic Care at Cherry Street Health Group
At the core of our offerings at Cherry Street Health Group is the practice of Chiropractic Care.
The practice of chiropractic focuses on the relationship between structure (primarily the spine) and function (as coordinated by the nervous system) and how that relationship affects the preservation and restoration of health.
Using this approach Dr. Bill has treated thousands of patients, getting them back on the athletic field, back to work and ultimately back to enjoying life the way we want it to be; pain-free.
The Goal of Chiropractic
Because chiropractic treatments are primarily applied to the spinal region, many individualsincorrectly assume that chiropractors treat only back and neck ailments. While we do quicklyand effectively eliminate back and neck pain, it’s not the only goal. The objective is torestoreand optimize human health. In fact, according to a statement from The Association ofChiropractic Colleges, “The purpose of chiropractic is to optimize health.”
How Chiropractic Works
You may be wondering… how can the same chiropractic treatment which effectively treats myback pain also optimize my health? The answer can be found by looking into the relationshipbetween the spine and the nervous system. Thenervous system is the master controller ofall living cells, tissues and organs; orchestrating and coordinating all cellular functions. Thespinal column encases the nervous system (spinal cord and nerve roots) and is responsible forits protection. Because of this intimate relationship, biomechanical and structural problems inthe spinal column can irritate parts of the enclosed nervous system
What Chiropractors Do
Chiropractors are primarily concerned with locating and treating vertebral subluxations. Avertebral subluxation is a complex of functional and/or structural and/or pathological articular(joint) changes that compromise neural integrity and may influence organ system function andgeneral health. Using a number of unique and highly refined skills, the chiropractor checks thepatient’s spine for any misalignments, fixations or other abnormalities (vertebral subluxations). Ifsubluxations or other abnormalities are detected, the chiropractor will correct them.Chiropractors use many specialized techniques to identify and treat these spinal abnormalitiesand optimize overall health.
What Types of Ailments Do Chiropractors Treat?
Chiropractic has provided effective relief to millions of individuals suffering from back and neckailments. Chiropractic has also provided relief from many other musculoskeletal complaintsranging from knee and ankle problems to carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow. In fact,musculoskeletal pain or discomfort in any area of the spine or extremity is a candidate for safe,natural, noninvasive chiropractic care. However, most patients suffering from musculoskeletalcomplaints can and are successfully treated with chiropractic every single day.
Common musculoskeletal conditions treated:
- Low back pain and stiffness
- Neck and upper back pain and stiffness
- Mid back pain and stiffness
- Headaches and migraines
- Leg pain, weakness, numbness and tingling
- Arm pain, weakness, numbness and tingling
- Extremity joint pain and dysfunction
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
In addition to musculoskeletal problems, chiropractic treatments have also been shown tobenefit many individuals suffering from “medical” ailments such as chronic ear infections inchildren, menstrual pain in women, and arthritis in the elderly. Although chiropractic care is not aspecific form of treatment for such conditions, research has shown that many “medical”conditions can be caused or aggravated by irritation to spinal nerve roots which share anintimate relationship with the spinal structures. By restoring proper nerve functioningsomeindividuals suffering from these “medical” ailments can obtain partial and in some cases, fullrelief.Non-musculoskeletal conditions which studies have shown benefit from chiropractic:
- Athma
- Dizziness and Disequilibrium
- Dysmenorrhea
- Infantile Colic
- Low Energy Levels
- Otitis media (ear infection)
To learn more about Chiropractic care and some of the most frequently asked questions, click here.

Say Goodbye to Pain and Hello to Living
Providing Chiropractic Care & Injury Rehabilitation to the North Shore Community