I was in a head on collision almost 13 years ago. My seat belt saved me but also damaged my back and neck. I have spent years in pain and have “thrown out my back” on a regular basis since then.
I have gone to back specialists, physical therapists, other chiropractors, you name it I’ve tried it! Most people suggest pain relievers, muscle relaxers and leaving my career as a stylist since I’m on my feet all day. Totally not the answer I was looking for!!! I started to throw my back out more frequently and and it was taking longer to heal.
My massage therapist recommended Dr. Bill! She couldn’t say enough great things about him. I was feeling pretty defeated from my injuries by the time but I finally made an appointment. It was the best decision I have ever made!!! Not only has he been able to get rid of my pain 100% but he has also been working to correct my old injuries.
I am able to work out, work all day, and do my daily life with out pain and pressure or fear that my back is going to slip out!!! I felt an improvement the first week he worked with me and I have felt stronger ever since!!! I wish I met him sooner!!!! I have recommended a few friends that he has really helped as well!!!
He takes his time and really cares about your well being!!! He has completely change my life in a positive way!!! Thank you Dr. Bill for everything you have done for me!!!
Before Care: Back and neck pain for 13 years following a motor vehicle accident.
After Care: I am able to work out, work all day, and do my daily life with out pain and pressure or fear that my back is going to slip out!
Program: Chiropractic & rehabilitation